Papi - Ekaette

I stayed at Madam's for a long while (Don't ask me her name, 'cause even till tomorrow, I do not know), she had a supermarket and put me in charge, well she recorded losses all the while I was there so while she was counting her losses, I was gaining weight tremendously- What? Why are your eyebrows raised like I stole stuff? Calm down, let me tell you how it happened, before you judge me. What better way to explain to a customer how good an edible product is than to have a taste as the marketer? Catch my drift? If you like don't understand, darris ya business, I was only fulfilling my obligatory rights as the Manager of the supermarket, if I hear you refer to my my managerial post as "sales boy" I'll go spiritual on you. I was suspended and asked to remain at home, all the better for me, I grew taller & bigger, many thanks to Ekaette, she sure knew how to spoil me silly with food, staying at home was fun for me 'cause all I did was eat well, read, sleep & I also took care of the dogs well and for some strange reason, the dog called "Papi" (It always saddened my heart to know that a dog had the same name as me) liked me- and that was the only sad part of staying there.
Madam wasn't always around, she was always travelling, at such times, we had the whole house to ourselves, ourselves being- me, Ekaette and Osy the gateman (He warned me never to refer to him as gateman, always bragging about his fabled military training & ficticious battles, mumu that could sleep for Africa). On this day Madam was leaving on one of those trips, but it looked like she would be away for a long time, so she called all of us.
      "I called the three of you to inform you I'll be leaving for the States tonight, and I'll be away for three months, my niece will be here in two days time, so she'll be in charge of the supermarket while I'm away, and she'll also be the one to pay your allowances" She said.
      "Okay Ma" We all chorused
      "Osy, you're the oldest here, the security of everything here is in your care, no fights, no stories, and always make sure there's power at night, these security lights must never be off at night"
      "No problem Madam" Osy said with a grin, I was very certain that grin connoted mischief.
      "Ekaette, there's enough foodstuff, make sure, these men are well fed, or they'll fight you ooo and make sure the house is always clean"
      "Yes Madam" Ekaette responded while smiling at me and side-eyeing Osy who was grinning from ear to ear, why was he even grinning? Crazy fellow
      "Papa, you want to stay or go back to your Uncle's?"
WHAT??? Go back to those yardists away from the comfort and luxury here? Was this woman okay? I noticed big people had a way of asking some really crazy questions.
      "NO!!!! MA" It was almost like a scream, she looked at me intently for some seconds
      "No to which? Staying here or going back?" Na wa ooo, una dey see parol.
      "Madam, please let me stay here" I pleaded
      "Okay, I just wanted you to make a choice, you've been good... Keep taking care of my dogs, keep reading, assist my niece at the supermarket when necessary and please don't run down my supermarket" She said with her sweet smile
       "I will Ma" I said with a sigh of relief
       "All of you, no fights, nothing should go missing & please don't bring visitors or strangers to my house, are we clear?"
       "Yes Ma" we chorused
       "Okay, Osy, tell the driver to prepare the car, we'll be leaving for the airport soon"
       "The car is already ready" Osy said
       "What did you say?" Madam asked, I didn't think I also heard Osy correctly
       "Ma I said the car is ready already Ma" Osy said with all confidence, Madam just laughed, shook her head and waved him away.
As the driver drove Madam out of the compound, we waved and wished her a safe trip. We had the whole house to ourselves till Madam's niece came in two days, to me it didn't feel like anything, as I made my way to my quarter.
      "Hey Papi, as Madam don go so and as na me old pass, na me dey in charge, you do anyhow, you see anyhow, you dey hear me so" I stopped, turned and walked back to him, well, all the food I had eaten had made me look big, I was in fact way bigger and taller than Osy, so it always made him feel intimidated.
     "What did you say?" I asked as I made my way to him, it's not like I wanted to do anything to him, I just loved the intimidated look on his face.
     "Papa leave him, come, let me give you your food" Ekaette said as she held my hand and led me to the main house.
     "Ehnnn, Ekaette, na so abi, na Papi you dey do now abi, God go catch you, you go find me come" Osy was saying somewhat sneeringly, and truth be told I didn't understand one word of what he was saying, so I asked Ekaette
    "Eky, wetin him mean by say You dey do me, na the food him dey talk about?" Ekaette laughed real hard
    "Don't mind Osy, na craze man" Ekaette replied
Dinner was served, this time the food was more than ever, I took it to my quarter, I made sure I did justice to the food, took a bath, then relaxed with the TV, there was nothing I watched other than movies, I was watching one interesting movie when NEPA struck, normally Osy would start the generator immediately, but today seemed different, 2 minutes had become 5 minutes, maybe the cow had slept off as usual, so I got out to go check, I started the gen, then changed over. I went to Osy's room at the gate, I was about to knock on his door when I heard the most peculiar sounds, the sound of a creaking bed, the creaks had a particular rhythm to it, I put my ear to the door and could also hear the strangest human sounds I had ever heard, I pulled away from the door quickly, Damn! Osy was really an abnormal fellow, only God knows the kind of abnormal dream he was dreaming that was making him sound abnormal. I shrugged and went back to my room to continue the movie. I watched movies into the early hours of the morning, then sleep knocked me out, now those of us who sleep naked know how sweet that thing is especially when you're alone on a big bed, sweet something. Anyway, I dozed off and had barely slept (Or so I thought, 'cause the clock told me I had been asleep for 7 good hours) when I felt a movement on my thighs, felt good at first, then I thought- what if it was a snake- I jumped with a start at the thought, only to find a smiling Ekaette beaming with smiles and staring at my erect- nevermind, I became full aware that I was stark naked and made to cover myself up feeling somewhat embarassed.
     "Papa you can sleep ooo, I don dey look you for like 10 minutes, see as you open leg yakata" Ekaette said while laughing.
     "na lie joo" I retorted, not wanting to accept the fact that she had been staring at me in my birthday suit
     "Sidon there, na as I touch you, your soldier begin dey salute" She replied, still laughing, Now that felt really embarrassing
     "Abeg, make i go baff jare... wetin we dey chop?" My attempt at changing the topic
     "Papi Papa, fine bobo, do baff, make you come kitchen, make we gist" Then she got up to leave and that was when I noticed a lot, I noticed she wore bum-shorts with a singlet, I noticed how pretty she was and finally I noticed how buxom she was- "wow, how and why did I notice this now???"   I asked myself, then I remembered the sensation I felt when she rubbed my thighs as I slept, it felt good, but why was papilo down there nodding? (Don't blame me, blame my naivety, I've told you a thousand and one times).



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