About Pre-Wedding Photoshoots by @Peero007

Star Wars Themed Pre-wed Photoshoot.

The other day I talked about the evolution of marriage proposals, I remember telling the fellas to go back and ask their girlfriends how they would love to be proposed to, they haven’t turned in their assignments yet. Anyway, that’s that, today I’m going to rant about another wedding trend, one trend I haven’t been able to understand and may never understand in this lifetime, that’s the pre-wedding photo-madness… sorry I meant photo-shoot, I’m so sorry for that error, I hope it never happens again, now about pre-wedding photo-mad..shoots, I am in the dark as I do not know why and how it is necessary that my partner and I take some “le’s pretend” photos. Don’t get me wrong ooo, I’m not saying it’s bad, no! no!!, I’m also not saying it’s good, I just do not know its importance or if there is even any.

Some years back, a lady asked me what my pre-wedding photo-shoot would be like, I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and had this “what the hell are you talking about” look, she goes on like “yes, you know those lovely pictures a professional photographer takes before the wedding, you know, you and your fiancee all dressed up in matching outfits…blab la bla” then I asked if the photo-shoot was for a competition or a documentary or a magazine, she wasn’t able to give a cogent reason why it was necessary, she shut me up with “well I don’t really know the significance, haven’t given it a thought anyway, but what I do know is that its very important. Pronto!!!” I didn't pry further to avoid bone marrow touching stories.

I have seen all manner of pre-wed photos, some are really lovely, some are just there, while others are just "SMH", in fact the SMH pre-wed photos inspired this rant. You know those pre-wed photos you see and immediately agree that madness is relative, because you wonder where the madness started from: the director of photography/photographer or the couple. I'll show you all I'm not exaggerating as I have empirical and even graphical evidence to substantiate this claim. After careful observation, I can authoritatively tell you without any categorical directive from any oga at the top that Naija pre-wed photos are divided in two main classes and they are "Elite Pre-wed Photoshoot" & "Mekunu Pre-wed Photoshoot" (ask a Yoruba person the meaning of Mekunu), The diference between the two lies in the conceptualization(I love big words, even if I don't know the meaning) of the photoshoot, let me refrain from explaining, let the pictures do the talking & if you do not agree with me, wait till I've added the pictures, if after seeing the pictures you're still not convinced, then feel free to counter my rant.

Rate this pic: Elite Or Mekunu?πŸ˜’

 Spiritual? Is this Elite or Mekunu? πŸ˜’

Really? Elite or Mekunu?😁

What is this? Elite or Mekunu? πŸ˜’

SMH!!!... Elite or Mekunu?

Isnt this lovely? Elite or Mekunu?
With this few pictures of mine, I hope I have been able to douse the flame of doubts in your mind that indeed we have the Elite Pre-wed Photoshoot & Mekunu Pre-wed Photoshoot. Like I said earlier, feel free to rant in the comments.

P.S. If you see me in any Pre-wed photos, be rest assured it was my baby boo that convinced me to do it.


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