
Showing posts with the label Relationships.

6 Behaviors That Kill Relationships (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)

►► Discover the Exact Behaviors to Find – and Keep – Lasting Love → ▼ Don’t Miss Out! Subscribe to my YouTube channel now. I post new dating advice for women every Sunday. ▼ Do you know what really makes relationships fall apart? I do. Having now coached for over 10 years on the topic of dating, I’ve seen the worst behaviors over and over again. And if we don’t work on eliminating these toxic relationship habits, it doesn’t matter how attractive we are: we’ll always find a way to self-sabotage and drive our partner away. I don’t know about you, but a lifetime of painful arguments and emotional mind games isn’t something I ever want to settle for in love. So here are 6 relationship-killing behaviors to avoid at all costs if you want to keep an amazing guy... Directed by JAMESON JORDAN Written by MATTHEW HUSSEY, STEPHEN HUSSEY, & JAMESON JORDAN Starring MATTHEW HUSSEY JOANNA BRONSON BRENT HARVEY Music "Dramatic, Determined, & Ins

3 Signs You’re in a Bad Relationship

They say "life is not a bed of roses", no relationship is a bed of roses as relationships come with its fair share of ups and downs. In this post, Kelly Campbell (Ph.D.) tells you 3 signs to know you're in a bad relationship. "One of the most difficult things to admit is that a relationship that started out great and with so much promise has turned into something bad. When we enter a relationship, we’re wearing rose-colored glasses, focusing on all our partner’s good qualities and ignoring their faults. That’s why our family and friends are better at predicting the outcome of our relationships than we are! Here are three signs that it might be time to end your relationship. Source: CharlieFoster_Unsplash 1) You don’t have personal freedom. Relationships are not about controlling another person, they are about giving complete freedom and seeing that each other’s decisions are aligned. Every person has unique needs and the best relationships are ones in

8 signs you're the problem in your relationship By Bela Gandhi

Humans are driven to find love and have happy relationships, but 50 percent of marriages end up  in divorce  — and many new singles find themselves wondering what went wrong. We often blame our partners for our relationship distress, which may or may not be valid. Maybe it's time to take a closer look in the mirror to see if your own behavior contributes to the problems. How to improve all of your relationships in 60 seconds PLAY VIDEO -  0:47 How to improve all of your relationships in 60 seconds PLAY VIDEO -  0:47 Here's how to know if  you  are the toxic one in your relationship. 1. You're hot-headed. If something unpleasant happens with you and your partner, you go from 0 to 100 in three seconds. You mumble mean things — maybe even throw things — and you lash out whether the issue is big or small. The way out of this is to become aware of your behavior and change it. Consider an anger management program, or, at the very least, learn t

#1 Weird Way to Get Him Back (or Get Over Him Faster) - Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy


7 Subtle Signs He's Flirting With You (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)


The Best Relationship Advice Ever By Jordan Peterson.


Dealing With Relationship Insecurity | 10 Tips To Handle Insecurity (Alpha M.)

  " In this video men's style, grooming, fitness, relationship and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of , shares with you 10 tips for dealing with relationship insecurity. Relationships are hard enough without being super paranoid all the time. These 10 tips will help you handle your insecurity and allow you to focus on the amazing and beautiful person you have fallen in love with. Don't let your insecurities sabotage a good thing. Insecurities. We all have them whether physical, finances, material, or other. Regardless, nothing can kill a potentially great situation than relationship insecurity. We all have insecurities but managing them is a key component for a happy, healthy, and successful relationship. Aaron Marino of alpha m. presents ten tips to overcome relationship insecurity. 1. Don't judge your current relationship based on past relationship - don't make the